Sparkling Dreams in the Night Sky

I like to consider my dreams as stars released in our minds waiting for their next destination, the sky, where they will be transformed into realities. We wish to those shooting stars, not knowing they are our dreams which have already been made in our minds. We’re just bringing them to life.

Half of my childhood was spent in Sierra Leone, and the other half in the United Kingdom and the USA, as my father wanted us to have new experiences. Life was not all bad, but when I came back at 12, something didn’t feel right.

There were so many people on the streets of my so-called home, some with disabilities, some going hungry, and children who suffered from malnutrition. I was only a child, so all I could do was feel pity and make an oath with God to help people in need and change lives.

That vow became a dream of elevating every life on earth. I want to wipe away tears and lift up those who have fallen, clearing the path for them to walk a better life. In my dream, every child’s needs are attended to, getting food isn’t difficult, there are fewer beggars on the streets, and more people are volunteering to help each other. To achieve this, I plan to open a charity center that focuses on accepting everyone and supporting disabled people around the globe. I want to grow an organization where everyone can learn skills, discover their talents, and find out how to turn those talents into sustainable lifestyles.

Life is precious, and nothing is more precious than living sustainably while improving. I dream that life can be like a dinner party where everyone can come with an empty plate and leave with a full tummy. A world where everyone can live such a life is a world where everyone’s dreams can shine like stars in the night sky.

Get a copy of WE HAVE A DREAM 201 Dreams 201 Countries

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