My dear country has been in a constant state of civil war, and international communities have made little effort to bring peace into this beautiful land. I have grown to believe in a competitive world where societies compete for the scarce resources nature provides. I have also come to believe that the haves will continue to have, and the have-nots will remain beggars so long as the societies do not change how they think. Nevertheless, experience tells me that everything that has a beginning must have an end. It is my dream to see my country getting to its feet and claiming its lost glory as a peaceful nation. That dream does not just end with Yemen, but it expands to a world without conflicts and wars.
I believe this dream can only be achieved when each one of us starts viewing the world as a village where people have to coexist. International organizations cannot enforce peace on the people—the people themselves must understand the importance of living as a community. Around the world, many political leaders are only concerned with serving their interests. I have taken it upon myself to study the political behavior of our society, and I am convinced that it all starts with our attitude. We all have the responsibility to build a community we admire through full political participation, including voting in the right leaders.
I am currently studying international relations and political science in the Czech Republic. Through my interaction with students from various parts of the world, I have realized the collective effort that people can put together to form a stable society. Thus far, interventions in Yemen have been military-based and have only led to the death of innocent civilians. I do not believe force can liberate the world. We need to change political hygiene through our collective effort and conduct peaceful negotiations to control conflicts and restore peace.
My country was previously called the Land of the Happy Arabia because of its prosperity at the time of ancient Arab civilizations and its people’s simplicity and kindness, as described in the Old Testament. I believe Yemeni youth are the backbone of the country. So, I aspire to further my studies in community conflict resolutions and inspire young people to fulfill their role in society—to regain my country’s laugh and bring happiness back to our home.
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