I was raised by a single mother and growing up from childhood was tough due to the financial situation of my mother. I barely had an adequate supply of food daily and this affected by growing up. I happen to travel for a summer holiday to my aunt’s house and the first place that caught my attention when I arrived the next morning was her kitchen.
The moment that changed my life forever was when I saw wilted spinach and edible food in the bin because she had poorly managed her time and stored her produce improperly, resulting in wasted food. Not to mention the fact that her apartment building had a compost bin, but her kids weren’t educated on how to use it. I had to make a change. I was tired of seeing food end up in a landfill. I no longer wanted to contribute to the harmful environmental impacts of loss and wasted food. I don’t want to see perfectly edible or inedible food go to waste because I failed to not cook my food in time or store it properly. I couldn’t walk by another homeless person begging for food and money knowing that I had just chucked food away. I couldn’t be lazy anymore. I couldn’t make any more excuses. I had to make a change to be an advocate of food security.
To significantly contribute to the solution of this problem, I founded an organization known as Green Lineage, a platform for change-makers to engage and network for a better world and raising young agricultural Innovators to meet the world’s most pressing issue of hunger, poverty, food waste and food insecurity.
It’s my dream to rise against hunger at its peak and engage hunger champions in supporting laws, policies, and systems that will help end hunger and guarantee economic growth. I want to continue to be actively involved in sustaining national development as I further my work toward preparing leaders who contribute to build and sustaining economic growth.
I believe that educating and empowering young people everywhere, to become effective and productive members of society, is essential for sustainable growth and development.
By learning to help others, I have learned to appreciate myself and my actions at a more profound level. However, as I continue to do more for my community and discover hidden lessons within community service. I treasure my ability to help others and community service has brought out attributes within me that I never realized existed, challenging me to become more humble, patient, and caring, and encouraging me to strive towards being a better person.