A World Where We Feel Happy to Be Alive

Many people think that global economic growth is what makes our world wealthy and wonderful. But is that really the ideal world?

In the past, humanity has inflicted harsh conditions on innocent people and children while the economy grows. The clash caused by the need for economic development has led to armed conflicts and, eventually, military wars.

We get caught up in the power struggles of just a few people in the world, without any way of knowing the reasons and purposes of those struggles. As a result, the world becomes full of orphans with no social assistance forced to beg for their daily bread, and children who sleep on sidewalks, enduring the cold and dangerous nights.

I dream of a future where street children disappear entirely from the world and, in particular, the African continent.

The country I come from, Chad, is also very poor. Compared to first-world countries, Chad’s economy is still developing, and we are still figuring out how to progress as a country.

I believe that it is crucial for growing countries to recognize that they must develop in the right way, based on the fact that today’s developed countries disregard people’s authority, consume the Earth’s resources, and pollute the environment for the sake of economic growth. Currently, I’m a trainer in an environmental NGO named Espaces Verts du Sahel.

We currently work with more than 3,000 children in more than 50 schools in Chad so that the students will build our country’s future through educational activities.

In a future where development is brought about in the right way, many children will be able to eat a full meal and sleep in a warm bed.

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