A World Full of Bright Tales

Have you ever run a marathon? You need to divide your powers wisely, run steadily toward the end. A completely different story from a sprint, where runners explode at the beginning and rush quickly to the end. What if I told you that you needed to run both at the same time? And there would be no end to the match? Forever? You would probably think that I was mad.

But think about it—that is exactly what we are doing as humanity. We are living the dream of infinite growth, where people try to gather as much as possible and outpace the others every single moment during their rush toward a goal that does not exist.

When I was little, my parents took me to a beautiful forest in my homeland, Czechia. Spring was waking up nature with fresh green fingers…Then a razor cut. In the ground, there was an enormous, grimaced wound on the face of the land. It was a coal mine. For young me, it was absurd to think we could so calmly power our dreams at the expense of others.

We need energy. To cook our food. To read our books. To talk to our loved ones far away. Isn’t there any alternative to coal that could power our dreams while leaving no coal smudge behind? Cutting no scar on the face of our land, causing no health issues? Every year, outdoor air pollution kills more than four million people worldwide.

This is why we need a bright tale suitable for our future in the 21st century. A tale of humanity that will be shared—and crafted—by everyone, regardless of race, gender, or income.

As a sustainability communication specialist, finding people who use renewable energy became my mission. I started to collect the bright tales of these pioneers in efforts to inspire others. The technology is green, and the future is bright. Be bold. Say what you want to say; the world is listening. Your opinion is valuable. Empower others and build a resilient future together.

Together we can create a tale of humanity that is not built on an insane match of infinite growth. We must focus on getting better at staying within planetary limits. I dream of a compassionate world full of bright tales, where no community is hazarded, no forests are scarred—including the one in my beloved Czechia, and the ones in your home.

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