A peaceful future in the peace of memory

I had the privilege of being born and raised in the heart of Central America. in the tropics. in a country of lakes and volcanoes. of poets, writers, and artists. but also of dictators and guerrilla wars. In short, I am from a “violently sweet” country. From a very young age, I knew the value of family and the importance of building community. In my childhood, I had almost everything, but at the age of ten, I suffered the effects of family separation due to my parents’ migration.
In the innocence of my childhood, I set out to understand why my parents had to leave us to guarantee a better quality of life for me and my siblings. In this search without return, I knocked on the doors of God and churches. I crossed the thresholds of literature and the arts. I studied history and geography. I discovered music and even philosophy. to finally find myself in politics and the study of societies.
Having studied the results of living in such a deeply divided society, I discovered my passion for community work, the importance of my leadership, the generation of new leadership, and the transformative experience of education. All of this led me to develop an active role in my university, to generate greater social awareness, and to dream that politics can generate transformative change.
From working in schools, churches, nursing homes, and youth groups, I went on to work with local development organizations, think tanks, and participate in international congresses. Over time, I became a consultant for international organizations and a university professor. In 2018, Nicaragua would suffer one of the bloodiest episodes in its history, and that would finally lead me to study Conflict Resolution, Peace, and Development at the University for Peace of the United Nations System.
Since then, I have embarked on a journey full of both successes and setbacks. I have studied the nature of conflicts, the harmful effects of violence, and the consolidation of positive peace as the ultimate goal and starting point for development. Today, I believe in honoring the past to embrace the present and dream of a peaceful future where politics can be a catalyst for change and families can thrive in a society of equal opportunities. I am committed to building alliances that consolidate positive peace, ensuring justice and greater rights for all people.

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